PlantPure Restaurant Campaign and Reusable Resource

MRM's Daily Bite features PlantPure Communities (PPC) Restaurant Campaign, Ordermark, TGI Fridays, Foodservice Packaging Institute and North Island College and McDonald's Canada.

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PPC Launches Restaurant CampaignWith more Americans seeking out plant-based alternatives, it's no surprise that the launching of the PlantPure Communities (PPC) Restaurant Campaign has more than a dozen restaurants across the country already signed up to participate. The campaign's goal is for every restaurant across the nation and the globe to offer on their menu at least one plant-based meal with no oil.

The campaign is part of PPC’s larger initiative to share the health and empowerment message contained in scientific nutrition research, much of which was led by T. Colin Campbell, PhD., as detailed in his book, The China Study. According to Dr. Campbell, “The scientific evidence is now clear and convincing – the…